Sunday, July 1, 2012


I have made it to Poland and I am tired.  I lost a night of sleep on the flight over here and now I am 7 hours ahead in time.  So, it is 7 in the morning at home, but it is 2 in the afternoon here.  Big adjustment.  I hope by tomorrow I will be caught up.  It is very different here in Warsaw.  First, this city is huge. Close to 4 million people I believe.  Second, I cannot understand a word anyone says or read what anything says.  It is frustrating.  I have a new respect for people that come to America and can't speak our language.  Polish people dress very differently than we do.  It's hard to explain, but it is very eccentric is most cases.  Warsaw's city symbol is a mermaid.  She has a shield for protection and a sword to fight off any attackers.  There is a giant mermaid statue in the middle of the city.  Or as they call it, the "centrum."  The sun comes up around 4:00 a.m. and sets around 10:00 p.m.  It is wild.  They seem to love ice cream here.  I promise you there is an ice cream shop/store on every block.  They love Coke Zero here and they have it in every restaurant, which of course, makes me very happy.  :)  We are going to start the children's camp tomorrow and we will do it through Friday.  Going to take a nap now to try to catch up!


Lori said...

Ice Cream and Coke Zero? I think I could live there!

Rita said...

Glad to hear from you and to hear they have Coke Zero. I was a little worried about you making it without it. I know Ben was glad to see all of you. We are praying for all of you and the children's camp. Have fun!