Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, the other night I went home and decided that I wanted to cook something different and good for Ray. So I looked through some recipe books and finally found one that sounded good. So I looked through my pantry and wrote down the things I needed. I went to the store and got the needed ingredients and went home to cook the dish. I was excited! So, Ray comes in around 6pm and says that he got called back to work for something. He said he wouldn't be long and I hadn't even started to bake it yet. So I said okay and thought he would be home by 7pm. Well around 8:30 pm I was getting furious. I already ate some and decided that I was going to give him a nice talking to when he got home. I called and called and got only voicemail. Then I remembered that he said he phone was dying. So around 8:40 I called the guy I knew he was with. Turns out, he was already almost home (he lives near us) and said Ray should be home any minute, but to call if he wasn't home by 9. He said that they also had a disaster at work and blah, blah, blah....whatever. So at 9pm I started getting really worried. Then I FREAKED.....what if he had wrecked? What is he was broke down in that bad neighborhood he travels through and got shoot! (Okay I have officially turned into my mother!) So I stand by the window looking to the road. Watching, waiting. One car comes, not him, another, and another.....I am crying at this point. Then I start to pray again. Finally, around 9:15ish he is home. I go into the living room and just sit on the couch crying. He walks in with tulips! I just started crying. I was so worried that something had happened to him. I was so relieved. He apologized and I accepted. I was just happy he was home and alive. He then warmed the dinner I made and loved it. He took it to work the next day! So, all is well....thank goodness!

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